Top Exercises To Maintain A Healthy Weight – Learn how to move your body into the fat burning zone with these six recommended exercisers.
If you want to lose weight, burning fat is good. Clearly, burning fat leads to weight loss, because you have less stubborn body fat. And while there are superficial benefits to having a lower body fat percentage – jeans are more comfortable and your muscles are more toned and defined – there are also huge health benefits.
Top Exercises To Maintain A Healthy Weight
According to the Mayo Clinic, a large percentage of body fat leads to obesity, which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancers.
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So what is the difference between fat burning and exercise? It all comes down to intensity, says Len Kravitz, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. “Exercise at a comfortable, but challenging intensity for better fat burning,” he says.
Not sure how to quantify the concept of “intensity”? Try the conversation experiment described by the American College of Sports Medicine: You will be able to have a conversation with moderate intensity, a few words at the highest level.
According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the long-held belief is that by exercising yourself at less than your maximum, you encourage your body to burn fat calories for energy.
Fat burning also occurs from intense exercise, so don’t get too hung up on it primarily because of what happens after the workout. That’s when the afterburn effect (what exercise scientists call “excess oxygen consumption after consumption”) comes into play. After an intense workout, your body’s metabolism speeds up and your body burns fat as a result.
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Bottom Line: Both high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise are effective for burning fat. Which is more effective is still up for debate, but both have their place in training diets aimed at achieving optimal fat loss.
A combination of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise and strength training is ideal for burning fat, says Kat Kom, ACE-tested personal trainer and CEO and founder of Sweat Studio in San Diego. Any form of cardio that gets your heart rate up to about 60 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate (which is about 220 times your age, according to the Mayo Clinic), Kom says. “If you have your heart rate up and keep it there, you’ll burn more calories, leading to increased fat loss,” he says.
But do not dance in strength training. “The truth is simple, the more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns at rest,” he says.
Squats are great for building strong glutes, but avoid these 2 common mistakes, says sweat trainer Kelsey Wells.
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According to one review, 10 weeks of strength training increased resting metabolic rate by 7 percent and decreased body fat by nearly 4 pounds. Another study found that aerobic resistance training or exercise led to some loss of abdominal fat in obese young adults, but the combination was also more effective.
Finally, high-intensity training (HIIT) has been shown to burn fat because it increases post-exercise oxygen consumption (the effect), Kome says. “When you get to that extremely stressed state, your body uses extra oxygen to bring it back, which increases your metabolism and causes—you guessed it—fat burning,” he says. One study found that three months of HIIT resulted in a loss of 4.4 pounds of body fat. (However, remember that HIIT workouts are best done one to three times a week, not every day, as your body recovers at least throughout the day).
Kom helped us provide a fat burning workout that can be done at home or at the gym. He recommends performing each exercise for 30 seconds back-to-back with 30 to 60 seconds of rest between each round. Try not to rest between movements – your heart rate gets up and you burn calories and fat, Kom says. Do it carefully because it leaves you breathless — you can speak words, but not easily have a conversation or sing — and maintaining good form is more important than speed, says Kom.
How many rounds you do is up to you and your ability. Kom says the most important thing is to avoid injury, take a break and enjoy your workout. “If you don’t like how you feel, you’re less likely to do it again,” he says. Try to clean it twice a week. Do one round for quick fat loss when you’re short on time, or as many rounds as you can fit into 15 to 30 minutes to get more done, he says.
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Start in a standing position with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet forward so that they are slightly more than shoulder width apart. At the same time, raise your arms above your head. Then return the body to the starting position and repeat the jump continuously for 30 seconds. As you progress to heavier weights, use lighter weights (1 to 3 pounds) per movement.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. In a light movement, lower your body into a squat, place your hands on the board in front of your feet, and kick your feet to the ground in a plank position. Then jump to your feet, pull them back into your hands, and make a strong jump straight into the air. Repeat. To make it more challenging, add push-ups when you are in the plank position. If you’re a beginner, do a low impact squat: This movement is similar to a burpee, except you don’t do an explosive jump at the end and just stand up.
With the feet shoulder-width apart, lower the body into a squat position (the back and upper body are lifted, and the hips and buttocks go down to the floor, as if sitting in an imaginary chair). Keep your core box and launch the explosive jump. Land lightly on your feet and immediately lower into a squat. Repeat. To make this movement more challenging, you can wear heavy clothing or hold a ball or light dumbbells.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. As you plant your right foot, step your left leg behind you and to your right (almost as if lunging from a chair). Your weight should be supported by your right leg. At the same time, rotate your right arm to shoulder height around your shoulder, and extend your left arm across your body to your right thigh. Then jump to the left and repeat the movement on the left side. Land on your left foot and swing your right leg back and to the left. (The left arm should be bent at the same time to the left side, and the right arm should be extended to the left hip.) Continue to jump to and fro, throwing the arms around the skates. To make this movement more challenging, try touching your hand to the floor instead of leaning out to the side.
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Start in a plank position, with your hands in line with your shoulders, and extend your body straight behind you. Place your feet on the floor together. Jump with your feet wide, then quickly jump together. Remember to engage your core throughout and be careful not to strain your hips.
From the standing position, lift your left knee to your chest. Quickly cross your legs so that your right knee is pulled into your chest. At a steady pace, bend your knees and run your arms, lift your left arm with your right leg, and your right arm with your left leg.
Daily Health adheres to strict italic guidelines to ensure the accuracy of the content outlined in our editorial policy. We use only reliable sources, including information from peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, real-life patient experiences, and leading organizations.
Cara Andrews, RDN, LDN is the director of health promotion at Memorial Hospital in Carthage, Illinois. He is a licensed practicing physician and board certified in lifestyle medicine by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. His experience includes corporate health, teaching at the American College of Sports Medicine, sports nutrition, weight management, integrative medicine, oncology support, and dialysis.
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Andrew was president and board member of the Nashville Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. He was recently appointed chair of the Fitness and Medicine Panel at the American College of Medicine.
Moira Lawlor is a journalist who has covered various aspects of health and lifestyle for over ten years.
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