How To Prevent Weight Gain With A Healthy Lifestyle


How To Prevent Weight Gain With A Healthy Lifestyle – The holiday season is approaching. At this time of year, as we prepare to eat and celebrate with friends and family, another concern arises: how to avoid sudden and unwanted weight gain. Read on for information on holiday weight gain and 8 tips to avoid derailing your health goals during the holidays.

Whether you’re worried about messing up your health goals, weight loss goals, or your diet, eating during the holidays can be intimidating. But vacations can be enjoyed to the fullest without worrying about gaining weight. This is not a time to worry, but a time to celebrate and remember. Here’s how to reduce stress on your health and prevent holiday weight gain.

How To Prevent Weight Gain With A Healthy Lifestyle

The holidays are a time when many foods appear on the table and there’s no denying that it’s easy to overeat while enjoying your favorite holiday foods with loved ones. Overeating, especially mouth-watering foods, can lead to weight gain. However, contrary to what many people believe, weight gain is not necessary for most people. Several studies focusing on vacation weight gain have shown that the average weight gain is only 1 pound (0.5 kg) [1] [2]. But remember, information from scientific research is not truth written in stone. It might work for you, but maybe not for you. It’s good to be a health watcher and know how much weight you really gain during the holidays.

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Although weight gain during the holidays was not significant, one study found that weight gain was higher than average in overweight/obese participants [3]. While this research shouldn’t spell doom and gloom for those trying to lose weight (and it may not be true for everyone), it’s worth taking precautions during the holidays to avoid packing on extra pounds, which can increase your original weight loss goal and make it more difficult.

Practical tip: Whether you’re overweight or not, weigh yourself before and after your vacation to see how much weight you’ve gained.

Scientific research has not received special attention during the holidays; However, this excess weight can easily persist and accumulate over the years. Here are some practical tips to avoid packing on the pounds during the holidays.

Although many factors contribute to a healthy body, being active is one of the most important. It doesn’t help that the holidays are usually cold, dark, wet and windy, so they can’t do outdoor activities. While in the summer you might be walking in the park, cycling in the countryside or hiking in the mountains, in the winter you’re probably trying to keep warm on your sofa. Additionally, between eating out and buying gifts, cooking and attending parties/festivals, your regular exercise routine may take a back seat.

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However, continuing or increasing your exercise will not only help reduce overeating, but it will also give you more energy to deal with the stress of the holidays, which can make you nervous.

Active Tip: Keep your clothes and exercise routine and go to the gym, use exercise equipment at home, go outside for a walk (weather permitting), video exercise or walk around your house. Walk, don’t sit too long.

What we do over and over again; Now. Excellence is not an act but a habit. Source: A Philosophical Story, by Will Durant

The holiday lasts six weeks, but it actually consists of two heavy weeks: Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also plan a New Year’s Eve party in the third week. What about the rest of the year? Eating only Thanksgiving or Christmas food will not make you gain weight. The type of food you eat and the lifestyle (exercise, sleep, stress) you take every day for the remaining 46 weeks (one year) largely determine your weight and health.

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Action tip: Take care of your health by observing the days, weeks and months of the year when holiday shelters are not offered. If it fails to maintain your health goals and expectations, expect to be healthy for about a year.

We are an eco-friendly product and food is no exception. If you find a missing cookie and you’re hungry, it could be your next snack or meal. Food is available everywhere and is easy to find especially during the holidays. This may cause you to breathe more than usual.

Hide those sugary foods and keep them healthy and full of food right in front of you – on the counter, at your desk and in your office drawer – so you’re looking for food. Healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, energy balls and bars, baked chicken, hummus and vegetables, and fat-free popcorn will give you energy and keep you fuller than sweet and crunchy foods like cookies or chips. Research shows that eating high-protein foods can reduce hunger.

If you want to avoid overeating at a dinner party, eat a protein- or carbohydrate-rich food before heading to the table.

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Top tip: Avoid junk food and eat healthy protein or complex carbohydrate-rich foods such as trail mix, fruit, energy balls and bars, grilled chicken, hummus and vegetables, and unsalted popcorn. Consider eating a healthy diet before going on vacation to avoid overeating.

It’s not what we eat, but how we eat that affects our health and weight. Overeating is one of the reasons we gain and keep fat. .

The holidays are definitely a time to have fun and let your hair down, and if you’re really craving a slice of brownie pie, party cookies, or other goodies, don’t shy away from the oversized portions. A small slice of your favorite cake or pie tastes the same as 3-4 large slices. You don’t have to be full to enjoy the taste and texture of your favorite foods.

Controlling your weight and eating well isn’t about dieting, it’s about finding a healthy balance and enjoying things in moderation. If you stretch yourself, you’ll feel happier, but you’re also more likely to fall off the bike and overeat. Following the 80-20 rule or some version of it can help you avoid eating too much sugar and junk food at the dinner table.

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Helpful tip: Determine the portion size on your plate. Enjoy everything, but avoid playing to the point of falling asleep.

It is not always possible to find good options on the holiday table. However, you can find salads, soups and stewed vegetables. Fill your plate with everything that looks good on the table and try everything that doesn’t look good on you. So, along with protein, wholesome, healthy carbohydrates like beans, nuts and vegetables can be your friends.

Practical tip: Holiday foods often turn out like potatoes. So be careful if your plate is full of sweet potatoes. Fill your plate with 60-80% unsweetened, real foods.

Drinks are also included in the holiday meal; Usually a lot of drinks, be it beer or wine. Soft drinks are usually high in calories and often contain a lot of sugar. If you are going to enjoy a drink, limit the amount of food on your plate. Or replace a glass of sugary drink with dessert. Remember, calorie-free and sugar-free drinks are just as bad for your health as sugar-sweetened drinks.

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Practical tip: How many drinks (other than water) do you have with your meal? Can you offer dessert instead of a sweet drink or something?

Depending on what your guests bring to the dinner table, you could end up eating a lot of food, resulting in leftovers days after the actual party. Guests usually choose food and drinks, such as wine, so the host does not interfere with the menu. This can result in lots of delicious leftovers. If you have these sweets in your fridge or on your counter, sooner or later you will eat them all.

Practical tip: If there are a lot of leftovers, especially sweet ones, keep ziplock bags or disposable containers handy to share the food with friends.

What advice do you have for binge eaters and friends who overeat? Maybe, show him kindness and ask him to be easy on him. How to do it yourself?

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Indra Ajoo is a passionate content creator, with a keen interest in Healthy tutorials (non medis). With years of experience and a love for sharing knowledge, Indra Ajoo aims to inspire and guide others through detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials and informative articles.